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Community Event featuring Chris LoCurto

7/31/2020 (Permalink)

LoCurto has 12+ years of experience coaching entrepreneurs.

We here at SERVPRO of Denton are excited to partner with the Denton Chamber of Commerce as a sponsor of an upcoming event, “Building a Business for the Future,” which will feature Chris LoCurto as the speaker. Chris LoCurto is a renowned speaker, entrepreneur, leader of leaders, and business & life coach. Mr. LoCurto brings a fresh perspective and unique, innovative ideas regarding procedures and processes that could prove instrumental for small businesses. He will be joining us virtually from Tennessee to share his expert advice with business owners here in north Texas. On August 11th, he will discuss strategies that other business owners can implement to help their business grow and flourish.

Be sure to check out his podcast, the Chris LoCurto show, and to visit his website for more information, advice, and interesting content!

Join Us For a Webinar

6/22/2020 (Permalink)

Chris LoCurto is an accomplished entrepreneur, speaker, coach, and leader of leaders.

SERVPRO of Denton is happy to be working with the Denton Chamber of Commerce to bring you a webinar from Chris LoCurto.

Chris is an accomplished entrepreneur, speaker, coach, and leader of leaders helping businesses and individuals realize and maximize their personal and professional potential.

He pours his great passion for people, along with decades of experience and perspective, into his daily work with business leaders, entrepreneurs, and individuals. It’s this passion and insight that has lead businesses to explode their revenue and help to realize their potential and live a strong life.

The webinar will cover:

  • Discovering what is holding you back from growth.
  • Knowing how to scale your business.
  • If you doubled your business today, what would happen?
  • How to have a strategy for business growth.

We hope you join us on June 30 at 11 a.m. Register here.

Giving Back-How we work with Serve Denton

6/13/2020 (Permalink)

Hank Dickenson, Kristi Stokes, Jeff Stokes, Carlie Kuban (left to right) stand in front of the new Health Services of North Texas.

Here at SERVPRO of Denton, we are committed to supporting Denton, Denton County and the surrounding communities, that's why we partnered with SERVE Denton to give $10000 to the community. 

Our commitment will go to the new health center on site for Health Services of North Texas. The center has 12 exam rooms, 2 onsite labs, a nurse’s station and waiting room. Since its opening in 2019, it has seen hundreds of patients. 

In addition, the part of the donation will go towards the remaining fundraising needs for finishing the final phases of the Serve Denton Center, which includes the new health center, a center for Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County and a custom-built food center for Denton Community Food Center.

Best of Denton 2019

4/6/2020 (Permalink)

Servpro of Denton won Best Fire & Water Clean-up in the Residence division for 2019.

We are proud to be Denton County’s Winner for Best Fire & Water Clean-up in the Residence division for 2019! We thank you, the community, for your continued support. We strive to be there for you and support you when the stakes are high and emotional and we will continue to do so. 

SERVPRO of Denton is Here to Help!

SERVPRO of Denton specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after damaging event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility for regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. SERVPRO wants our team to be part of your team! Call us at (940) 566-2277 or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Community Involvement: Supporting SERVE Denton

3/13/2020 (Permalink)

SERVE Denton located on North Loop 288 in Denton

SERVPRO of Denton is proud to support SERVE Denton!  For those who don’t know, SERVE Denton partners with nonprofits to help make their services more accessible for people in need. Services include: - Food- Healthcare- Housing- Counseling- Children’s Advocacy- Women’s Support- Parenting Classes- Utility Assistance- Legal Education When a family falls on hard times, finding help can be overwhelming. When nonprofits are spread out, it can be difficult to find the organizations that can help, let alone find the transportation. SERVE Denton’s solution is to have multiple nonprofit agencies on the same campus , so those in need only have to visit one location to access services.We encourage everyone who can to donate and get involved in any way that you can! The SERVE Denton office is located on 306 N Loop 288 #100 in Denton. Call 940-735-3234 with any questions or visit their website at

Community Sponsorships: Denton Chamber of Commerce Monthly Membership Luncheon

12/13/2019 (Permalink)

Denton Chamber of Commerce December Luncheon Pictured: Owner, Kristi (top right), Brayden and Rebecca (bottom left), Robert Hunt (bottom right)

SERVPRO of Denton was proud to be the sponsor of the Denton Chamber of Commerce’s December luncheon. We were given the opportunity to talk about our business as well as show a little bit of the capacity our team is able to handle. Our guest speaker was Robert Hunt. Hunt is a motivational and educational speaker to CEO, Executive, and Public groups of all sizes. His presentation about the characteristics and components of “Trust” within an organization was extremely helpful for those who want to run a successful business. One of his main points was about “being in your comfort zone” or in other words, your own fear. The best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you, is get out of your comfort zone. Then, and only then, will you begin to grow. Trusting yourself and trusting others is so important to succeed in a business and move forward in day-to-day life. Our hope is that the entire Dallas/Fort Worth area, and especially our Denton community, places their trust in us any time that they have a fire, water, or mold remediation need.

SERVPRO of Denton – (940) 566-2277

Best of Denton County - THANK YOU

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Denton is Best Emergency Restoration and Fire & Water Clean-Up in Denton County!

We are proud to announce that SERVPRO of Denton was awarded Best of Denton County in Emergency Restoration and Fire and Water Clean Up for both the Residents and Student categories!

Thank You, Denton County!

The community of Denton has been so amazing to SERVPRO and we love being able to help our neighbors and friends. If you need any home restoration or clean up from fire, water, storms, or more, please give us a call (940) 566-2277 or visit our website at

We love wearing our #meangreen for University of North Texas.

We love eating on the Square.

And we are proud to be apart of the Best Businesses in Denton County.

SERVPRO of Denton

SERVPRO of Denton specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after damaging event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility for regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. SERVPRO wants our team to be part of your team! Call us at (940) 566-2277 or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!